décembre 29, 2017

XSun: the first energy-independent drone model that can make its own decisions

Discover Enerzine’s report on the SolarXOne drone’s first flight and the inauguration of XSun.

SolarXOne drone: an ambitious project The journalist presents XSun’s ambitious plans: “This inauguration and this first flight are the first step in an ambitious project. The second step will be to break the world flight record, which is currently 14 days, and then demonstrate that a drone can cross the Atlantic”, summarises Benjamin David, XSun’s President. Creating a completely energy-independent drone that can make its own decisions, and its partnership with Centrale Nantes.

A partnership with Centrale Nantes

He explains the ins and outs of the partnership with Centrale Nantes:

For Bertrand Alessandrini, Director of Development and Industrial Relations at Centrale Nantes “This project is the interface of several highly advanced technologies: material, communication, control and artificial intelligence and energy management, but it has also been made possible by the contribution of several generations, involving students and researchers, which will guarantee its success in 2018”
Read the article on Enerzine

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